As experienced real estate attorney in Pensylvania and surrounding areas, we are proud to offer support on some of the most important decisions our clients will ever make. However, real estate is just one area of the law that our team excels in providing help and support. We also specialize in sexual harassment law, especially in cases where people are being harassed in the workplace. Below we will discuss your rights and what you need to know if you’re facing sexual harassment at work.
What is Sexual Harassment?
It’s illegal to harass a person because of their gender. Harassment can include ‘sexual harassment’ or any undesirable sexual behaviors, requests for sexual favors, and any verbal or physical harassment that could be deemed to be sexual. Even remarks that are offensive or derogatory about a person’s sex are illegal.
Sexual harassment is not gender specific, a man can sexually harass another man, and a woman can sexually harass a woman. Teasing, sly remarks and isolated incidents are not illegal. However, consistent harassment that results in a hostile or offensive working environment is a severe breach of the law.
What can you do if you are Sexually Harassed?
Remember that each situation is different so do what makes sense and what feels safe for you.
Speak to the Harasser
If you feel comfortable, tell the person that their actions are making you feel uncomfortable. Ask them to stop, and keep a record written down of exactly when you did this. You may want to email them to keep a digital record of this exchange.
Start a Paper Trail
This is very important, keep copies of all communication between yourself and the harasser or employer regarding sexual harassment. Write detailed notes ASAP when an incident occurs. Save all emails, social media messages, SMS communications and keep them all in a safe place.
Report the Harassment
Check out your current employer’s sexual harassment policy and follow the complaint procedure to demonstrate that you did all that you could to alert your employer of the harassment. Hopefully, this process will stop the harassment and resolve the problem. However, if the harassment is not resolved, then this is evidence that your employer failed to solve the problem after you officially complained.
Involve Your Union
If you belong to a union, you may want to inform them of the harassment. This is important if you’re going to file a lawsuit.
Contact a Sexual Harassment Lawyer
After you file a formal complaint with the EEOC and/or your state’s fair employment agency, you may also consider filing a lawsuit. For more information, and to hire sexual harassment or real estate attorneys in Berks County, PA, and surrounding areas, click here today.